Make Some Rheum…..
Why is a cardiologist, an electrophysiologist to be exact, posting about Uric Acid and Gout?!?!?
There is a lot of emerging data showing the importance of serum Uric Acid as an independent risk factor for Atrial Fibrillation, arrhythmia recurrence (including post ablation), coronary artery disease, stroke and the list goes on.
The picture in this post shows Uric Acid Crystals in the coronary arteries! 😳
As cardiologists we need to not only better understand the implications and risk of untreated or unrecognized elevated serum uric acid but what the long term beneifits and risk reduction is with treatment.
Collaboration with our Rheumatology colleagues is essential!!
I have it easy being married to Brittany Panico, DO (@AZRheumDoc)
Companies like Horizon are leading the way into the future!!
If you or a loved one has symptoms of atrial fibrillation, make an appointment for a health checkup. You may be referred to a doctor like me trained in cardiac arrhythmias, called an Electrophysiologist.
You are not alone!!

Stay tuned for more to come!
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Always accepting new patients at
CVAM, CardioVascular Associates of Mesa, P.C.
Cardiovascular Associates Surgery and Electrophysiology (CASE)
If gout is your problem, Summit Rheumatology Specialists is the place to be!!