Heart Failure: The Symptoms You Need to Watch out For

There are important signs to be aware of that are indicative of a heart issue. Here, we will address those symptoms along with a basic overview of what heart failure is.

Heart failure is a term used when the heart is not working as efficiently as it should. For various reasons, blood sometimes moves through the body and the heart at a slower rate. This results in greater pressure in the heart and lower levels of oxygen and nutrients being dispersed throughout the body. If this happens, the heart may respond by stretching so it can hold a larger amount of blood. In other cases, the heart may become thickened in an effort to pump more blood throughout the body.

Eventually, the heart becomes weak and the kidneys typically respond by making the body retain water and salt. As fluid increases in the arms, legs, lungs, and other organs, the body becomes full or congested. This is called congestive heart failure.

The symptoms

Remember that even if you have heart failure, you may not exhibit exact symptoms. Depending on the individual, symptoms can be consistent or come and go.

  • Lung congestion: Shortness of breath during exercise or at rest may be due to fluid backup in the lungs. Congested lungs can also cause wheezing or a dry cough.
  • Fluid retention: When low levels of blood are delivered to the kidneys, different parts of the body can begin to swell including the abdomen, ankles, and legs. Sometimes stomach bloating can create a feeling of nausea or loss of appetite.
  • Fatigue or dizziness: When limited amounts of blood are delivered to your organs and muscles, you feel weak. When less blood enters the brain, confusion and dizzy spells can happen.

Arrange a consultation today

If you think you are experiencing any of the symptoms associated with heart failure, don’t hesitate to call Cardiovascular Associates of Mesa today at 480-641-5400. We look forward to helping you and addressing your concerns.