September is Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month

September is Atrial fibrillation (AFib) awareness month, I will be posting general information and videos about atrial fibrillation throughout the month – these posts are general information/my opinions and do not convey medical advice. AFib is an irregular and frequently rapid heart rhythm. AFIb pre-disposes to a number of conditions such as stroke (5x), congestive…

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What is Optimizer CCM Smart Therapy?

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At CVAM in Mesa, Arizona, we understand the importance of heart health. We are pleased to announce, Dr. Andrew Kaplan and the research team at CVAM for making top 5 in the nation for implanting Optimizer CCM therapy device system. Dr. Kaplan is one of our Cardiac Electrophysiologist and oversees the device clinic and clinical…

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What is the MitraClip?

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At CVAM in Mesa, Arizona, we understand the importance of heart health. When patients have received a definitive diagnosis of mitral regurgitation, they will need to undergo a procedure to treat the problem. At our practice, we highly recommend the placement of the MitraClip. What is the MitraClip? The MitraClip is a device that is…

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When might a patient require a pacemaker?

Many patients are aware of how a pacemaker works. This special implant is placed into the body to help people who have difficulty maintaining a natural and appropriate heartbeat pattern. Pacemakers can extend one’s life span dramatically, ensuring that they have many more years ahead of them! However, many patients are unsure at which point…

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Testing device spotlight: abdominal aortic duplex

Abdominal Aortic Duplex

CVAM is fully equipped with some of the most advanced diagnostic tools on the market today. We want to help our patients better understand the tests that they may go through when coming into our practice for cardiovascular care. Our cardiologists are excited to educate patients on certain diagnostic tests performed in our office, including…

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What is the bubble study?

Bubble Study | CVAM

Sometimes, when patients are undergoing diagnostic testing such as an echocardiogram, they may be told by their doctor that they may also perform a “bubble study” at the same time. At CVAM (Cardiovascular Associates of Mesa) Cardiology in Arizona, we may make this recommendation from time to time to help in diagnosing certain conditions. What…

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Understanding your diagnosis of heart failure

Heart Failure

So you’ve spoken with your primary doctor and have received a diagnosis of heart failure. Now what? Many patients in the Mesa, AZ community who are diagnosed with heart failure may be unsure as to what their future holds. They may worry about this condition negatively impacting their day-to-day life, and may worry about the…

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The AngelMed Guardian System

Alerting to Reduce Treatment Delay in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome Events We have exciting news! CVAM is on the cutting edge of cardiac device technology. Our Dr. Kaplan was a co-author on a journal article recently published in the prestigious Journal of American College of Cardiology (JACC). The results were from a large scale…

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Heart Failure Clinic

Heart Failure Clinic

Patients who have received a diagnosis of heart failure may feel as though their future is bleak. However, many patients with heart failure go on to lead normal, active lives with the assistance of a cardiovascular team of professionals. At CVAM Cardiology, we provide Mesa, AZ area patients with a heart failure clinic, which provide…

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