What is the MitraClip?

istock 1173367817 1At CVAM in Mesa, Arizona, we understand the importance of heart health. When patients have received a definitive diagnosis of mitral regurgitation, they will need to undergo a procedure to treat the problem. At our practice, we highly recommend the placement of the MitraClip.

What is the MitraClip?

The MitraClip is a device that is smaller than the size of a dime and is attached through a procedure to the mitral valve of the heart. This is done to treat conditions such as mitral regurgitation by allowing the mitral valve to close properly and completely, ensuring proper blood flow to, from, and though the heart.

The MitraClip procedure

Thousands of patients have undergone the MitraClip procedure and experienced wide success! Continued studies and clinical data continue to show that patients who have undergone the MitraClip procedure have noticed immediate reduction of mitral regurgitation, shorter hospital stays, a 73% reduction in hospital visits for heart failure, and an overall improved quality of life. The procedure is performed quickly with the care of our cardiovascular team, and many patients can get back to living the life they’ve enjoyed before their mitral regurgitation diagnosis. The doctor does not need to open the chest or stop the heart to place the MitraClip. Instead, the doctor will obtain access to the mitral valve via a catheter guided through a leg vein and up towards the heart. A short hospital stay of 2-3 days if often required during which symptoms will be monitored and patients will be screened to ensure their new MitraClip is providing results!

Call our office today!

If you are in need of working with a cardiologist to address heart conditions, it is time to work with the leading team of professionals in the area of Mesa, Arizona. At CVAM, patients receive the best possible care from our dedicated doctors who are highly experienced in ensuring patients achieve and maintain heart health. If you have been told by a doctor that you could benefit from a MitraClip, contact CVAM at (480) 641-5400 to request an appointment at our practice, conveniently located at 6116 East Arbor Avenue. Our professionals are here to help new and current patients with their cardiovascular health.